Saturday, June 20, 2009


i went on a new adventure today.
thought id try hiking...
i do live in eugene...

just like life
you think your going the right way 
but soon you find out your way off

there is no perfect way
we are just making it up as we go

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

its open

its another day passed
meetings and appointments all teh same

though for once i opened up
i spoke truth
the only place to go from here is to be known
some move forward while others run away fast

you want to undersand
not to face teh facts
just to move forward 
learn to let go

theres nothing to talk about
there isnt anything to really understand

sleep is unknown
rest is impossible
peace is unbelievable
love...what is love

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

a girl on a hill

shes found sitting on a hill listening to her headphones
blocking out all that surrounds her
finding a purpose and peace in the midst of it all

a place to escape
a place to see gods grace in all that surrounds her

shes trying to make sense of it all
looking for answers in all the wrong places

to do what she knows would look completely different than what she is feeling
where does one draw the line with what they are taught to what they know

heres to the journey of life


there is always a struggle but its all in question how we will see it through
there are always walls in ones life...

we struggle to get over when some arent meant for us to get over
some are meant for our safety
though we still for the longest time try to jump over or break through
in the long run we finally realize and see its purpose, the blessing those walls are

just words

you say i love you 
but yet you walk away
you say im always here 
but when i need you the most your nowhere to be found
you say ill always care for you 
but your actions are always saying otherwise

just words i tell you

Thursday, June 4, 2009


standing straight with fear over glooming her face she tells me how her husband of 5 months committed suicide.
my heart dropped and my eyes filled to the brink with sadness. 
questions of what the fuck instantly enter my mind, my heart and my soul.
how could this happen
bigger question, why would god allow a man to reach past his limits
i thought he never tempts us past our limits
the loss of a friend, better yet a loved one changes you

for good or bad

ever love something so much you never wanted to let go.
been stuck in your happy past memories and of course not being able to return
so much to want, to feel as if we need it in order to move forward.
but the past is the past,
i guess we get to choose how was use it

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

to be whole...

help me get over me
help me put others in my thoughts, my prayers
help me not to think of others in just a matter
but as souls here today and maybe gone tomorrow

fill me today and everyday so i can be whole once again

teach me to love like you love
teach me to learn and let go
teach me to live like you lived
teach me to forgive those that have wronged me 
teach me lord your ways above all

give me a fresh new understanding of what you want from me

there is so much in this life i do not understand
help me to not worry on the whys or hows but to stick with you
help me to be who you want me to be; nothing more or less

im running...

they are lost
they are all lost
im so stuck in my ways that i completely forget others
i put them off for my own desires
thinking there is always another day

but in all we have is today...right now
what will we do
postone? wait another minute? stand still just a little longer?

help me to run full force to the one who holds the key to real life
that i may run and not grow weary but run the race i was born to run

hanging on...

we close off those who love us
those who we think are trying to change us
but in all realities, 
they are humans just like us 
they try to love us the best way they know
they try to show us life can be better
that things dont have to stay the same
that we can move forward
that there is hope in the middle of all this confusion
its oh so hard to have trust where you feel like the world is caving in
we are constantly being taught that our past is how it is but its a lie
and soon to realize we eventually shut everyone who really does cares out. 


there are so many things i know i ought to do
ways i know to act, to be
but fear is intimidating and a force to be reckoned with
the questions isnt will it ever end but will i stay obeident to what i know...

Friday, May 29, 2009

the box

there is this box in which one lives
where we've been shaped and molded to people around us
not that its bad but in order for us to know who we are
we must expand our box
learn new thing
grow in new ways
and adapt to teh person who god created us to be
even if its not in the "box"

so here is where i lay my truth in love, 
definitly not be perfect but then again who is.

gods desire for our life

you cant live for others
you cant live a certain way because someone tells you to
you live the life god has destined for you to live

im pretty sure there is no normal
anyone in the bible never had a normal life, 
they just lived out what they knew in their soul

you live out the passions,
the desires he has put in your life 
regardless of what others say

regardless and above all, love the lord with all your heart, mind and soul. DO these things and that is where true life begins

heres to always looking back

for there is a place to be real
to not be judged
but to be understood

there are pains
there are worries
there are many unknowns

thankfully the one thing that doesn't change is christs love for us.
for this is what we must hold onto. 

Truth as it is

we come to recognize the truth to what we know, 
what we have experienced
to be backed up with facts that are undeniable
we have an idea of what things may look like
or for certain ways of things to be remembered
we make what is true for us
we eventually will learn  to choose our own way in life
we live and we grow, 
we fall down but we will get back up
the hardest parts about truth is its own-self
we each individually have our own path
we have a destiny
so heres to jumping off the side lines and jumping in